The Seven Chakras and How to Clear Them for Extraordinary Health and Happiness

By Sandra Weaver

The seven chakras, when awakened, cause a transformation of consciousness and physical changes in the body. The body will experience ultimate health and the mind will posses a "knowing" not of this world. An awakened chakra spins or turns, and the sensation can be felt in the body. Chakras is a Sanskrit word meaning, "wheels of energy." 

The kundalini energy that travels through the seven chakras of the body is called prana. Prana is the vital life-force energy, the spark of life within us. Without prana, there is no life. 

The visual rendering of the seven chakra symbols was achieved beyond the Earthly senses and came about as a knowing from realized people who had achieved balance in the main chakras. 

Kundalini or Shakti energy is known in all shamanic cultures around the world as the "divinizing" or "spiritualizing" energy in a human being. It is the dormant energy that rests at the base of the spine, waiting for the chakras to align in harmony to awaken it.

When this awakening begins, the kundalini energy activates each of the seven chakras as they are ready. The movement starts at the Root Chakra. Awakening and a new higher levels of consciousness are achieved as this vital energy rises through the other chakras.

"Kundalini has come to mean seat of fire – with the Goddess burning her way through any blocks She finds." Wheels of Life, Anodea Judith

Problems with the seven chakras individually or in conjunction show themselves through physical ailments within the body. 

What causes the blockages in the seven chakras?

The causes could be memories buried deep within the subconscious mind from childhood trauma, abuse, a learned restrictive belief system, emotional injuries that haven’t been forgiven or just lack of attention can cause a chakra to shut down. Tension builds up at one of the chakras from repeated denial, guilt, repression and unfelt emotions. Eventually, everything is affected from posture, metabolism, breathing, and emotional state. Disease in the body is caused by chronically repeated blocked pranic energy.

These seven chakras hold all the good and bad thoughts, deeds, and actions you’ve committed in all of your souls lifetimes here on earth. It’s the repression of emotions that causes pain, suffering, and disease.

Accepting your rejected feelings...feeling them deeply  and forgiving are the keys to healing your soul and dis-ease.

There's a fight going on inside of you. Your spirit, masculine or mind is telling you how great you are, and at times that you are limited and unworthy. Your feminine or intuitive feeling side is trying to keep you safe, and senses things the spirit doesn't. The problem comes when they don't work together in harmony and balance as they are supposed to.

Your beliefs are imprints caused by conditioning that happened in the past. The challenge is to realize the imprints that are running your life through your subconscious mind. You may not even be aware that these imprints have a hold on your decisions and feelings. Imprints are usual past events that were traumatic, and unresolved within us. And, we all have them.

Byron Katie has four amazing little questions for us to resolve negative thoughts.

Only by truly accepting and feeling denied emotions can these imprints be healed so their affects no longer control us, but it isn't easy. Our usual tactic is to suppress them, because we don't want to feel the pain of them. Accept these feelings without stuffing them, find some love in them and God's Light will come in behind your feelings to heal them. 

It's through the healing power of forgiveness that we release these imprints so we don't have to re-live them over and over again, whenever something new triggers them. 

Forgiveness is one of the most important ways to heal blockages in the chakras.

Where do you think those unfelt emotions go? They stay with you and accumulate, not leaving room for anything new to come in. These rejected  feelings become out-pictures played out for your benefit by other people who show you your wounds. Thank these people even in silence, they are your teachers. The greater the charge, the more there is to heal.

The lower three chakras, the Root, Sacral and Solar Plexus chakras are ruled by the Mother and our intuition. They keep us grounded to the earth. The heart chakra in the middle is the joining of masculine and feminine.

The upper three, our spirit side, masculine, connect us to God, and are the Crown, Third Eye and Throat chakras governed by divine "inspiration." All chakras are important. Many today want to live out of just the upper chakras. That doesn't work. Earth is the only place we can do the work to ascend beyond the earth.

We need all seven chakras to be a complete being and in balance. 

Change your thinking and heal suppressed emotions to change your life experience.

To heal the effect...release the cause. Is it really worth the price you are paying to hold onto suppressed negative emotions? You only hurt yourself. Be open to the other point of view you have been rejecting. Your body will rejuvenate itself. But, you have to release that stuck energy with conviction and love.

"A compassionate state of mind brings inner peace, and therefore a healthier body." Tenzin Gyatso, 14th Dalai Lama

The seven chakras described above are energy centers along the spine located at major branching points of the human nervous system. Chakras are considered to be points or nexus' of biophysical energy or prana of the human body.

Other ways to help clear chakras and promote healing of the mind and body

Kundalini yoga and other forms of yoga: Yoga means "union" or "discipline." It’s the yoking together of the mind, body and soul in order to liberate the True Self. Yoga is particularly effective in releasing these energies.

Through movement and stretches the energy is pushed through the energy centers away from its point of concentration. Often a negative issue will come to mind as this blockage is broken up. It serves to let you know what caused the blockage in the first place so you can mentally let it go.

Acupuncture/Massage/Chiropractic/Reiki/etc: These healing forms again serve to move the energy in their own ways. If the issue is not resolved mentally, then the problem will return. The relief can be permanent or temporary depending on the persons willingness to forgive and release the cause of the problem or imprint in the first place.

Physical exercise: Again the energy is moved but may not be permanent...this time through exertion.

Heat: Heat relaxes the muscles, allowing the negativity to flow out of the body. Heat can be from a sauna, whirlpool, or any other prolonged heat source.


At no other time has clearing blockages in the seven chakras been so important. With the new Great Cycle change, the Age of Aquarius, and ascending Kali Yuga, at virtually the same time, the values of the world are changing. We are experiencing these changes now, and they will accelerate and continue for years to come.

The planet as a whole is moving from the solar plexus chakra to the heart chakra. It's all about balance. 

Ancient prophecies by the Classic Maya and even the indigo children, say the planet is moving into alignment and eligibility to become a sacred planet. The process of cleansing has begun. That's why we are experiencing massive economic, financial, governmental, social and ecological trauma.

The only way to clear the seven chakras permanently, is through the power of forgiveness.

Forgiveness releases the charge from old imprints. It starts at the source of the problem in the first place...the way you think.

You ARE in control of your body and your life, because YOU control your thinking. If forgiveness is true and unconditional, amazing healing occurs in all areas of the body. Then and only then can the Shakti or kundalini energy rise uninhibited through the seven chakras to increase awareness and ultimately bring enlightenment.

For a comprehensive look at each chakra with pictures, follow this link to my article on chakra symbols.

The Chakras, Climbing the Ladder of Holiness through Levels of Consciousness, Dehyana Lee Lim (Seminar)
The Chakra Workbook, Anna Voigt
Wheels of Life, A User’s Guide to the Chakra System, Anodea Judith
The Right Use of Will, Ceanna DeRohan

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